Sunday, June 7, 2009


"I love being a dad, I feel very honored to be blessed with children!
"Because I lost my dad when I was only two years old and all the love and guidance, etc. that I missed out on; I wanted to make sure that my girls did not miss out on any of that!
"At that time the Lord gave me a great desire to raise my kids in a Godly fashion, which is also one of the main reasons why I became a Christian is the first place! Thank you God for that!
"Being a parent has helped me to understand how much God loves us, when I saw how much love I had for my kids, even before they were born! Also, how I realized that it's very true, that any parent would lay down their lives for their children! God of course loves 'all' of us like this and a whole lot more, more than we could ever fully understand!
"Thank you Lord for 'all' your perfect ways and for sharing them with your people!

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