Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Life Application Study Bible  Devotion

  • Often we ask, "What does God expect from me?" Here Moses gives a summary that is simple in form and easy to remember. Here are the essentials:  
    (1) Fear God;  
    (2) Live in a way that pleases him; 
    (3) Love him;  
    (4) Serve him with all your heart and soul; and  
    (5) Obey his commands. 
    Too often we complicate faith with man-made rules, regulations, and requirements. Are you frustrated and burned out from trying hard to please God? Concentrate on his real requirements and find peace. Respect, follow, love, serve, and obey.

Deuteronomy 10:12-13 NKJV

12 “And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to Fear the Lord your God, to Walk in all His ways and to Love Him, to Serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, 13 and to Keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes which I command you today for your good? 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Spiritual Thoughts


Spiritual Thoughts

Happy to be here with You!  With You in my heart Lord.  I am filled with Your love and peace.
I look forward to the Day Of The Lord with great anticipation!  It will be very good to be in Your service.  I long to be put to a good use, to help people.  To do my part in furthering the kingdom of God.  
I am reminded that today is 9/11.  I believe that God knows all and all things are part of, or work towards God's plan(s).  As nothing ever happens outside of God's will.  Nor could it.  Lots of prophecy has already come true and more are about to unfold.  The Day Of The Lord is very soon.  Within 10 years I think. 
The lord told my mom.....
"We are in a period of grace.  So take advantage and enjoy it and do Not be negative about anything as the time is short!  Destruction is coming upon the earth and we must be ready!  He has great need of us!  And here is The SECRET!  Our love.  We must keep our love relationship with Him sizzling hot!  We must keep The love channel open and flowing and come to Him often for this is how He will give us supernatural strength and supernatural knowledge when we need it!  It will come through this open love channel."  
Thank you dear Lord.  Amen.
So it's clear that the end is approaching.
Thank you Lord for Your words.  (word)
Glory to Your name forever and ever without end!
Stewart Moran, Your son.